Saturday, January 9, 2010

Shortwave Tips:Getting started in the Hobby

Some have asked me over the years how do I get started in Shortwave or Ham Radio, my first reaction is to tell them to Join a group on the hobby, for example or some from Yahoogroups like aswl that have guru's in the hobby. There also programs as podcasts like Glenn Hauser's world of radio, Marie Lambs dxing with cumbre or HCJB global voice.

There are on line services that also help like Passband to world band radio,which once sold a yearly edition to a Handbook called Passport to world band radio, and last heard was out of production but may still be found in bookstores, like Borders or B.Daltons, or Amazon.

A good book both on and off line is the world radio and tv handbook which is similar to passport, they hold alot of great stuff and in some ways is like looking at a weekly TV Guide,only without all the programs of the week. They also have PDF's on there site to download this is on of many and you can see alot of great stuff goes into our wonderful hobby. Enjoy it and when you hear somebody on the airwaves send a QSL to confirm the stations activity.

As I always say Happy Hunting and in this case happy dx chasing

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