Sunday, January 24, 2010
my intro to a listener

in Hawaii I was given this radio and it worked fair the unit had a slight muttery sound coming from the unit, but stations were still good to listen in on, the person who gave it to me was a fellow Ham and said it needed repairs, possibly the oscillator unit, my wife loved the unit and even allowed in the house, so we could listen to the airwaves. Shortly after a year no sound came from it. I have been trying to locate a way to get it repaired without going to the hassel of bringing it back to the U.S.A. as customs can be a problem. They gave me a hard time with my primary rig, a Icom 730 which needed it to be serviced by Icom. These are great radios and I enjoy my world of radio alot. As the shortwave bands have so much more to offer in what other stations put out, some people are just shy to try it.
73 from Korea
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
my wwvh and national radio reception
I heard this on Guam very close to cetti point but I know it didnt come from KTWR or AWR which were about 3 to 5 miles from my listening spot. This appeared in DX news letter.
Monday, January 18, 2010
KTWR Transmitters
Stations of the Pacific:Guam Baragada sites
Stations of the Pacific:Guam AWR
Stations of the Pacific:Guam KTWR
I plan to add much more on these and hope many will enjoy and can visit the islands someday.Shortwave lives with its listeners and those who send in cards to the engineers and stations.
Friday, January 15, 2010
antenna projects

Thursday, January 14, 2010
My mystery station on 10,000 khz
enroute to HL land
Saturday, January 9, 2010
shortwave travel tip: number 1
I went to a local grocery store and found a Large box of Zip lock bags around 10 to 12 inches and took some out and stuck my netbook inside. This got me thinking to use the same idea on my radio. I use a sangean 909 receiver in most of my travels, so I now carry this with my radios and note books http://www.ziploc.com/
Just some food for thoughts
Passbands Looking for a radio
These are great for newcomers and old timers
Shortwave Tips:Getting started in the Hobby
There are on line services that also help like Passband to world band radio,which once sold a yearly edition to a Handbook called Passport to world band radio, and last heard was out of production but may still be found in bookstores, like Borders or B.Daltons, or Amazon.
A good book both on and off line is the www.wrth.com world radio and tv handbook which is similar to passport, they hold alot of great stuff and in some ways is like looking at a weekly TV Guide,only without all the programs of the week. They also have PDF's on there site to download http://www.wrth.com/files/WRTH%20A09%20schedules%20update_July2009.pdf this is on of many and you can see alot of great stuff goes into our wonderful hobby. Enjoy it and when you hear somebody on the airwaves send a QSL to confirm the stations activity.
As I always say Happy Hunting and in this case happy dx chasing
Thursday, January 7, 2010
My monitoring site
Rim Pac Log from Cetti Point with a new one
2135 ut 15515 khz ABC Australia with interview by a professional Gamer who designs them and mentioned even the government uses it in trainning 55554
2145 ut 15580 khz Voice of America with Music sent as entertainment to many countries who can't get it on local stations 33334
2155 ut 11550 khz Spanish Station had cleared before I could get callsign 44444
2158 ut 13640 khz NHK Japan signed off in Japanese and resigned in English program Radio Japan Focus magazine and great show on Laos and people who visit there. 44444
2207 ut 13790 khz Radio Habana Cuba in Spanish and also heard on 13770 khz the 13790 was super strong and the other was very weak,probably beamed away from me 44444/33334
2215 ut 10000 khz ATA National India with time signals from WWVH Hawaii
Radio:Sangean 909
Antenna:30 meter end fed
Location:Guam Island Cetti Point
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Rim Pac Log on Guam part 2 from Cetti Point
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Rim Pac Shortwave Log Guam
0440 utc 15120 khz China Radio International Comments on the Greenhouse Gases and economics involved 44445
0450 utc 15000 khz WWVH Hawaii signals were stronger than the other 2 frequencies I was listening to the station was givening Weather reports and other related info. 33344
0835 utc 15170 khz KTWR Guam Program was Reaching your world followed by songs, 45555
0844 utc 9930 khz T8WH Palau Island Program Over coming Fear 45555
2130 utc 15115 khz Family Radio with program at 2140 on creation moment:science nice program 44445
2150 utc 15515 khz Radio Australia comments on usage of credit cards by foreign countries and debit being better 55555 Qrm from AWR up the street
2215 utc 7225 khz Voice of America with news to follow ,program was how to learn english by listening to music like songs and internet p0rograms 45555
Radio: Sangean 909 ssb/am
Antenna: 30m End Fed
Location:Guam Island
Monday, January 4, 2010
How I got around in Palau
Sunday, January 3, 2010
My ship that in Port
T8WH Antennas
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Palau Antennas finally
I wasnt disappointed as we did turn starboard and headed north of the island. I grabbed my camera and binoculars and looked as we approached the side of the island. I got even more of a surprise as the ship turned again inward and came within 2 miles of the beach area to avoid a reef.
Looking like very tall trees in the distance was T8WH. I also noticed the other 3 antennas. 1 to the left of it and one behind it off in the distance a little bit. I also saw what appeared to be a house up on the hill which might have been living quarters or the transmitters. I will try to post some pictures of the station on the next port.
It looks like the station does exists here.