Saturday, June 6, 2009

antenna plans

Building the antenna won't be very hard a trip to Radio Shack for some wires,insulators and some coax will be suffice. The antenna should be at least 30 to 50 ft in lenght. The use of the insulators caan be used to tie the ends to a support like a tree or pole. I like to use 3 insulators, 1 on each end and one either in the center or close to the end so I can run the coax to it. I also purchase a Phono type connector to connect to antenna to the radio.

When I was on board the ship I found a spool that was plastic and rolled the wire around it, note 1 insulator was on the inside of this. When I unrolled it I had it connected to a tree the other end was close to another tree..the center had a small rope on it and I tossed it over a branch which made it higher. Once I connected it to the radio My signals were strong.

you can buy one already made like Parr electronics that has a end fed type or antenna specialists which has the connector in the center.

check out for antennas or Ham radio outlet at there are many to try and home made ones are fun to do.


  1. Dear Mr.Larry, Greetings from me, Dr.Srini, a dermatologist and a ham. But as soon as I got my ham licence I went to KSA on job. My dad was a radio operator on ship to shore service. I am very eager to start a station. Hope you will shower your valuable advices to me. My call sign is VU3MSZ. I am listening to SW always. Many stations have gone out of the sky. I can share my radio logs with you and vice versa.
    73 s, Srini.

  2. I love this hobby alot and have enjoyed it since my first introduction to it when I was a teenager. My dad spent many hours working on old Tube set TV's. My brother was a Ham in the early 1970's and I fell for the hobby of Shortwave in the late 60's, listening on old Hallicrafters,my first time to hear stations like the BBC,VOA and the old Radio Moscow. I look forward to working you on the airwaves and helping if I can with what ever comes along. I plan to add my logs as I go along on here and look forward to yours as well. My long time friend Preethi is also from India and also a new Ham.

    73's from Larry in Guam island
