Sunday, June 21, 2009
73's from the sea and enroute to Hawaii. Am 1 hour on the clocks already
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Be adding some moree reception as I transit to Hawaii.
73's from Larry
Saturday, June 6, 2009
antenna plans
When I was on board the ship I found a spool that was plastic and rolled the wire around it, note 1 insulator was on the inside of this. When I unrolled it I had it connected to a tree the other end was close to another tree..the center had a small rope on it and I tossed it over a branch which made it higher. Once I connected it to the radio My signals were strong.
you can buy one already made like Parr electronics that has a end fed type or antenna specialists which has the connector in the center.
check out for antennas or Ham radio outlet at there are many to try and home made ones are fun to do.
2000 ut 9500 khz Radio Australia comments on Philippine troops killing Muslim Rebels and the discovery of 2 bodies at sea near the crash site of the Air France plane 44445
2006 ut 13730 khz Radio Australia TV1 Breakfast show comments with Paul Henry and some other programs and interviews 44444
2025 ut 9490 khz China Radio International Comments on Chinese American relationships and for some reason Faded after that 43334
2045 ut 7325 khz Chinese station possibly CRI program was Everyday Chinese and conversations between english and chinese faded alot and had a weak signal at times, 33333
The conditions were ok but wish to add a external antenna in the future. See my notes on this plan and how it can be built if needed.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Back on Cetti Point and more loggings
again as mentioned all times in UTC and all frequencies in Kilohertz. I will add a note on why UTC later.
9500 khz 20:59 ut Radio Australia with news and comments on there station and how many can learn english along with other things by listening to the station. This was followed by world events and a bomber in Pakistan. 44445
11695 khz 21:00 ut Radio Australia with comments on the unemplyment in the US and how if you buy something it keeps the employment going. 44444
11650 khz 21:12 ut Radio Australia Asia-Pacific comments on the recession and loss of Jobs and the jobless records in decades. 44445
utility catch on Marine Bands
8415 khz XSV 21:40 ut China station repeated the callsign followed by some digital tones
9000 khz 21:56 ut Fire Dragon Station in China signals were strong 55555
9170 khz 22:04 ut Chinese station CNR6 broadcasting lots of music and comments in non english 44434
Note: The use of UTC is an old tradition amongst Shortwave and Ham Buffs for many years we use this when make a schedule or contact with another station. For example if BBC was gonna broadcasts a program on say 9740 khz at 21:00. It would be very confuseing not knowing what part of the world it would be as we all know there is 24 hrs in a day. So long time ago it was decided that UTC would be considered Universal for all to mention there plans for a broadcasts.
This also helps in Ham Radio or even Marine radio when a certain schedule is going to be done.
Radio Baragada site
Get a chance view some radio stations take a tour like I have.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
22:20 ut 11955 khz Voice of America with conments in the world of sports and some basketball 44445
22:29 ut 11850 khz Adventists world radio on the island of Guam broacasting 100,000 watts and signet off after that. 55555 (was indonesian)
22:36 ut 13775 khz voice of America in Non English has a echo effect and sounded like 2 stations together,other station was in englist.444445
22:40 ut 13630 khz Australian News and comments on the news and jobless rates in America 44434
22:45 ut 13640 khz NHK Japan had a mirror station on 13680 khz very weak 2nd station 43333,bands were good but 2nd station was weak.
73's and Happy dxing
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
my continued loggings at Cetti Point
my logs for 6/03/09
22:25 ut 9415 khz Voice Of America with sports news and comments on How they would love to hear from Listeners 44445
22:30 ut 11590 khz unknown station clearing the Airways with a super strong carrier maybe AWR or KTWR all within a few miles of each other. 55555
22:35 ut 11705 khz Voice of America with special english program and news on the air france jet that crashed into the ocean and the less chances of finding that jet 44434
22:39 ut 11805 khz Voice of America in non english 33334
22:45 ut 11840 khz Radio Australia with program called Breakfast club, rather lengthy interviews and comments on China and Shanghai and the protests some years before. 44454
22:50 ut 11955 khz Voice of America and comments about the names and streets of Washington,DC and how the names were choosen and how the area was formed. Quite interesting program. 44444
I am using a standard Sangean 909 shortwave and in the past have used a Wire antenna strung out agout 50 ft between poles or trees but this time I did not bring such.
Shortwave has a lot to offer and its worth noting that several books are available on this try out passport to world band radio and check out what they have to offer. Also check out a wealth of shorthwave info.
73's and Happy Dxing
Monday, June 1, 2009
My loggings on Guam Island
I did some flying to my next ship on Friday the 29th to catch up with my next ship assignment and was traveling for 32 hours getting here. I left the Hotel room in San Diego at 5 am to ride the bus to the main office, there I got a ride to the airport. I waited at the Lindberg Airport for about 2 hours for a 20 minute flight to Los Angeles. I did some talking to a guy at the airport who was also a Ham going to FT.Worth.
My flight to Los Angeles was 20 minutes but the pilot managed to work it to 18 minutes flying at 10,000 ft before making the approach to the airport. It was a good flight and smooth ride.
The airport had a new program in which anyone flying to Japan had to fill out a form stateing where they was coming from in the states and this was for health reasons due to the swine flu. They had health inspectors on board after we arrived. The worst part of this flight was the constantly turning on and off the seat belts as every time you got up to stretch or use the toilet they turned it on and the hard part for me was when I was in the C/R they turned it on, ever try to do that while being on a roller coaster. Especially standing.
When I got to Japan I had to wait another 4 or 5 hours to board the next flight, and during that time. It was rough.
While I waited in Guam I arrived around 3 in the morning and waited a few days to do my radio listening from the Island. I usually hang out in a spot called Cetti Point on the opposite side of the island, this is about 3 miles from a shortwave station called AWR, or Adventists world Radio.
My morning catches starts around 21:00 utc- and sometimes last about 2 hours depending on conditions and other interferences like local bugs or visitors as the spot is a property of the US Parks Department.
Log of 6/02/09
All times are in UTC and all frequencies In Kilohertz
21:10 ut 7225 khz China Radio International with Program called news and reports, talks on North Korea and some other world events. station signals were 33344
21:14 ut 9490 khz China Radio International with a mirror imagine of the 7225 khz and was much stronger in signals 44444
21:21 ut 9660 khz Radio Australia International News reports on Somalia Pirates and comments also about a missing air france jet and the continued searches for the lost air craft. also heard on 11695 khz both signals were 44444
Listening to radio stations via shortwave is great fun and a good past time for many around the world its the only way to keep in touch with home whether your on a ship or in a different country or there just for the heck of it. If you get a chance try it and send a report to those you hear. These stations will appreciate it and might send your report over the airwaves.
I have been a shortwave buff for 40 years and Ham Radio Operator since 1982. Its fun and for me more relaxing than everyday TV programs.
73's and Happy Dxing