Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dear Mr Fields,

Thank you for your letter and the information on the time you tune in to the Voice ofRussia’s broadcasts.

We hope you will include this data in your future reception reports, thank you for consideration.

Wishing you good and enjoyable listening and looking forward to hearing from you soon again.

Sincerely yours,

Elena Osipova
Letters Department
World Service
Voice ofRussia

Many stations do reply either by letter or via email and these stations sometimes wish to gather more info from you.

My mistake here was failure to mention the time of the broadcasts

Most want not only what you hear but when heard like as example

15170 khz at 0900 utc Voice of Russia followed by the program of that broadcasts which could be anything from world news or famous people or others . I did fail to mention the the time of the broadcasts, which is very important for them as well as us.

Many people wonder about what the difference is about the UTC time spot and this is very important. For example if you heard a station operating on the above time its less confusing to them as well as a Ham who mentions I will meet you at 2100. The question coming to mind is that 2100 local or international or 2100 in russia which if you live in other parts of the world could be there 3 am or 3 pm. Its better to adjust it to just 21:00 utc which is alot less confussing. You may still have to get up early to catch the broadcasts depending on what side of the world your on. But still easier than the other.

In this case they still sent me the QSL Card and sent the email telling me what I did wrong, I appreciate that as its better than not getting one or waiting 3 more months and not knowing if they did or not.

A great source of these broadcasts and others is from 3 sources

Monitoring times Magazine, Popular communications and World Radio TV Handbook. There is one more no longer in production and that Passport to world band radio and the last copy was in 2009. Look for these and you will find alot of info on shortwave, Ham radio and broadcasts.

73 and Happy Hunting

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