Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Subic Bay reception

   Am in the middle of subic bay philippines our ship is operating on a dive ops with the philippines, this gave me a chance to hear some ham bands.

  20 meters was semi wide open here and heard the following groups

4F1AB working SM5HKB and later a VK3FT worked him as well on 14195 khz signals were s-6 on all stations including 4f1ab as he was in manila this was between 13:25 to 13:30 utc.

later listened in on marine coastal station HLG 12935 khz working CW and qsx on 12 mhz

9m6tmt on 20 called CQ no contact in return. That was around 13:35 utc on the following morning  I again was listening to the Ham bands and also some AFN.

4318 khz AFN Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean was very strong signals was around S-8 and heard news and commentary.

14.199 heard several Hams working a dx station although never heard the other one, logged the following N6AWD,HL5FUA  all were around s-7.

CHU Canada on 14670 khz slightly readable but some tones were heard. Around 22:46 utc. I was lucky here as it gave me a chance to demonstrate to 3 Navy divers who it was I was hearing.

14.240 khz K1QS Maine at 22:48 utc.

  Really enjoy ,listening the airwaves and it gives me some stress breaks from regular routine.

73 to many out there.

1 comment:

  1. 4F1AB is Art Bell's call-sign there in the Philippines. He's a pretty famous radio host back here in the states, and a well-respected ham operator.
