Monday, December 21, 2009

Palau Island

I am on my way to a island between the Philippines and Guam about an hour by airplane to Manila. The island is called Palau and is the Home of a relay station called World Harvest Radio. My plan is to view it in Person if possible and see what the insides look like as well. I plan to take photos as well and if I can post it here. Its been one f my passion over the past 12 years to view as many of these as I can and to see fr myself what makes em tick. Being able to see the insides of KTWR,AWR on Guam and FEBC,RFA on Saipan. I love this Hobby and wish my job wouldn't at times interfere with it. The wold would be alot more fun.

The past 3 months has been spent trying to add my Ham radio log to a program called Hamlogger and I started with the 1999 to 2002 books which tured out to be much more than I knew. I have over 2000 in the logs and its given me around 109 countries worked and 79 confirmed. Hope to get my first DXCC. If you don't know what the words DXCC mean check out and type DXCC in the search box or google it. Can come up with a listing of over 300 countries that participate in this.

In the world of radio we say 73 and that means good luck to the person you chatted with. So to my friends in shortwave and Ham radio.

73 and Merry Christmas.

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