Thursday, July 18, 2019

Busy year in my Ham Radio world..praying for better

Spending time with Ham radio friends here in the Philippines. Attending up coming conventions and still have memories of the past ones. Last 2 months were close by to my location.

This was a super program where many put on display of the programs there into. Like satellite dxing with the ones that pass over our location. One person showing off his Arrow style antenna to work a bird on the pass. I hoped to do the same thing but not too successful yet. Need a better antenna but it hasn't stopped me from monitoring and doing the APRS system. So far I have worked 4 or 5 just on passes and even got 2 confirmed via the APRS. YB0X-1 was just such a satellite it is IO-86 which is operated by the Indonesian's for monitoring weather and maritime and more.
I monitor on 145.825 mhz daily since I got interested in the satellites again. So far have seen and worked PSAT2,IO-85(YB0X-1) AISAT, ISS, and a few others. I also listen occassionally to AO-91,92 and SO-50. Problem my antenna is not able to work the other satellites according to locals here.

Leo and Anthony 4I1AWN

Althought wasn't at the Tagaytay program we did see a model of one of the recent satellites built for the Philippines.

The antenna is home made and some time when I can I plan to get one but in the mean time have to settle with what I have in my collection. I got a Elk that needs a extra part but will work for now with some of the satellites. I also been trying to get a new battery for my FT-530 HT radio, which has been in storage for 3 yrs. Batteries for this radio is no longer sold in most stores, and have to be special purchased. I went through one place and the battery was reasonably priced,$36 but shipping was not reasonable. It was $60 in price and that was only because it was for international shipping prices. So instead of paying for the tax and postage in America, which maybe only $10 more, your paying $92 for the total package.

As stated earlier in the meantime I still listen when I can with the satellites mostly on APRS and sometimes the weather satellites.

There is a problem here in the Philippines where rules on the airwaves don't seem to apply for some unlike in America where if you have a station operating out of band or jams the stations they get nabbed by the FCC and sent notices. NTC doesn't seem to monitor violators on the bands or don't seem to know when these persons are on. I was listening to 137.100 mhz this morning and found some one using it for a form of business. Baofeng radios are easily purchase here and this maybe one of those types.

Back in November I purchased a Antenna from a local supplier which was a Comet H-422, the antenna was later installed and with the help of my son and friends we got it up on a mast near our place. The antenna looked good but later discovered the antenna wasn't tuned right. I made a mistake on the antenna. I had 2 more dipoles(wire antennas) that I made the mistake of setting in the wrong spot. I ran them across the inside of the H-422. Right in the center of the V area. Which caused great problems. It kept me off the airwaves for nearly 3 months. We took the antenna down many times to correct the problems but needed help to make sure the antenna was set right. I have an old antenna analyzer that still needs batteries and or a power supply. I asked around but people are shy to loan one out. 
After 4 months of being off HF and not having any help mainly due to the summer month heat here. I finally got back on the airwaves. The dipoles helped on that part. I worked the nets on 40m and last night worked 80m

Thanks to:

I will be attending another program here soon and hope to learn more on local programs, they will have programs on DMR Radios and also Ham radio related programs.

I joined Boxchip DMR radio and hope in selling the radio's I even have a Boxchip site on Facebook but the problem here in the Philippines was too many obstacles to purchase, but its still available. My partner Ella Li informed me we have new products coming out, and one radio is out of production soon. 

If your interested in Buying these fantastic radios contact me at

I am also on Twitter and Facebook 

73 from Philippines 
I am usually on 3 different frequencies 
DX1PAR 7095 khz
DX1PRS 7165 & 145.34 mhz